Reducing Holiday Stress


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Yoga on the rock. Can you spot Simon?

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Hey guys! I recently took some time away from the dazzling white snow and pines that surround me in Boulder and traded it for the slick rock of Moab Utah!

With the busy holiday season approaching it was great to take a break and do some yoga to recenter myself. I find that when doing yoga I fall into a state of mindfulness and bliss as my connection to my body and the Earth grow stronger. Doing yoga outdoors, especially in a powerful landscape like what surrounds Moab, feels especially freeing and lets me live in the present which seems to become more difficult every day as the speed of our world increases.

The desert is especially calming for me. I love how quiet it is and being able to see all the stars and the milky way at night!

Simon doesn’t really get yoga, but he provided company for me! It was a blast having him by my side through this trip. I think he likes the warmer weather as well.

I’m heading back to Boulder today where they are saying we are going to get the largest November snowstorm in 80 years.

What things can we do in our daily lives to reduce stress?
What do you do to practice mindfulness? Hop on over to my Instagram and write me a comment on this post!

Simon and I are going to be staying in Boulder for Thanksgiving where I’m going to be deep frying my turkey for the second year!